We went out one time with his Dog, Suzie, catching birds. Suzie’s a fantastic bird dog, he said. He let her out of the trunk and I looked at her and I said: You know, I don’t believe Suzie’s feeling too good. He looked at her and felt her nose and all. Said she looked alright to him. I told him, I said: I just don’t believe she’s real well today. We set out and hunted all afternoon and killed not one bird. Started walking back to the car and he says to me, Bill says: You know, it’s funny you noticing old Suzie was not feeling good today. They way you spotted it. I said: Well, Suzie was sick today. Suzie was sick yesterday. Suzie has always been sick. Suzie will always be sick. Suzie is a sick dog.
I remember this post...What came after?
Nothing came after. Nothing at all.
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