When #34 gets home, she is reminded of the lie she is living. She hasn't told him yet, about that one night stand. She doesn't want to ruin things.
When #947 gets home, she reflects on her days work, whilst reading up on every obscure news story from the past week. She doesn't want to get caught out tomorrow. So what if she lied about her credentials? If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough.
When #72 gets home, he pretends like nothing's happened that day. He pretends he's a non-entity, moving as he pleases, unnoticed, across the world.
When #8493 gets home, he sees his wife already asleep in bed. He wonders if he should just give up and walk out. He sits on the sofa and lies down, pretends he's alone. He doesn't want to wake her.
When #207 gets home, she collapses onto the sofa and doesn't move for at least half an hour. She doesn't know how long she can keep things back, but once she starts speaking, everything else will just keep going out.
When #93 gets home, she lies to #745 about her day. Tells him that she enjoys work, had a wonderful lunch, loves him.
When #745 gets home, he pretends to listen. He nods.
When #89 gets home, he takes off his nice guy persona, and hangs it up in the closet so it's not creased for tomorrow. As a doctor, he can't lie to his patients, not even if he wants to, but he tells them it's going to be alright anyway.
When #1 gets home, she sits silently and lets the night roll in around her. She has no one to lie to.
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